Exercicios Telling The Time

Salvar salvar ficha telling the time para ler mais tarde. 0 notas 0% acharam este documento útil (0 voto) 25 visualizações 2 páginas. Ficha telling the time. This lesson is to practice telling the time in english. a traditional analog clock appears on the screen with its minute hand and hour hand in a certain posit. It is quarter past three. It is half past one. It's half past two. It's quarter past four. It's ten to four. It's half past eight.

Exercicios Telling The Time

Telling the time online exercise. You can do the exercises online or

It's quarter to one. Match the clock to the time; Telling the time in english multiple choice test. Scroll the page to do this quiz online. Click on the link below to download this quiz in printable pdf format. There are 10 questions in this quiz and each question has only one true answer. You can check the answers and learn the result of your quiz after you finish the test. Documentos semelhantes a telling the time exercises anterior no carrossel próximo no carrossel como pronunciar as letras do alfabeto em inglês [pronúncia escrita em português] Note que depois dos 30 minutos, em vez da expressão “past”, utilizamos o “ to ”: Time to grab some worksheets on telling time from busyteacher. org!

Exercicios Telling The Time
Exercicios Telling The Time
Exercicios Telling The Time
Exercicios Telling The Time


By the time you’ve helped your class. It is half past four. It is half to four. It is half past three. It is six past three.

What time is it (CORREÇÃO dos EXERCíCIOS)

Correcao dos exercícios sobre as horas em ingles.
Link com o exercício


Explicacao da aula sobre as horas


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Beijos e espero que tenham acertado todas as perguntas

com amor,
Marcela Mallett

It is twenty past three. It is twenty to three. It is twenty to two. It is twenty past two. It is two past five. It is five past two. It is two to five. It is five o'clock. It is a quarter past four. Ejercicios telling the time.