Exercícios This That These Those

Vimos aqui no blog como usar ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’ e ‘those’. Vamos agora praticar o uso através de mais um exercício do influx blog! Powered by advanced iframe free. Get the pro version on codecanyon. Pronomes demonstrativos em inglês. Normalmente apresenta significado de “este”, “esta” e “isto”. Tem significado de “estes” e “estas”. This, that, these, those. Demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adjectives exercises. These are my books.

Exercícios This That These Those

Demonstratives, this, that, those, these | English grammar for kids

What are those (things near you)? These strawberries are delicious (the bowl is in front of me on the table). This party is really fun. (we’re at the party now. ) 8. That show we saw last week was so depressing! (on the telephone) this is (your own name). I’m really enjoying this (experience that’s happening now). Complete os exemplos abaixo com this ou that. Para isso, leve em consideração a informação entre parênteses. A) hello, guys, _______ is my new girlfriend.

Exercícios This That These Those
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Exercícios This That These Those
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Exercícios This That These Those
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(namorado apresentando a namorada aos amigos, segurando na mão dela). B) oh my god, look at _____! (pessoa indignada apontando para um. En esta actividad encontrarás un cuestionario de comprensión sobre las palabras this, that, those y those con respuestas y traducciones de la oraciones. Estas palabras se usan para hablar de la ubicación de objetos y personas.

This That These Those Exercises 🎓 (DEMONSTRATIVE Adjectives and Pronouns EXERCISES) 👍

This these that those exercises are a great way to practice your English!

Making plenty of demonstrative adjectives and pronouns exercises will help you to point things and express yourself better. ;)

Remember to always look for English grammar exercises with English Practice Time!

Happy practice! :)

Explicación adjetivos demostrativos en inglés. Lee las oraciones y escoge los. Pessoal, escolham a opção que melhor traduz os termos em português. I don t want you to eat [ aquelas ] apples again. I don t like [ isto ] but i ll try to help you. Eles são comumente utilizados para “apontar para” alguma coisa particular na oração. Há apenas quatro demonstrative pronouns: This, that, these e those. Esse tipo de pronome é usado de. Pon a prueba tus conocimientos con ejercicios de inglés sobre this / that / these / those.

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